Crataegus crusgalli

Væksten er bre og de træagtige former har en fla næsten . It is native to eastern North America from . Bliver mellem – meter høj og bred.

Blanke mørkegrønne blade og med . Lille hårdført træ med flad tæt krone, lange torne og blanke mørkegrønne blade. Cockspur hawthorn, Cockspur thorn, Newcastle hawthorn, Newcastle thorn, Hog apple. This plant has some cultivated varieties.

All Common Names: cockspur hawthorn. Possiede rami con spine di – cm. I fiori sono bianchi di odore sgradevole.

I frutti arrotondati, di colore . It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. A small ornamental tree that bears abundant white clustered flowers in summer followed by small red fruit that persists into the fall and winter. Cockspur Hawthorn, CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI, leaves and immature fruits. The crown has abundant twigs and spreading .

There may be as many as species of hawthorns native to Kentucky, but cockspur . Crataegus crus-galli (om plante) eastern United States hawthorn with long straight thorns. Attracts pollinators, especially important for native bees. Birds and other wildlife consume the fruit. Larval food for hummingbird clearwing moth(Hemaris thysbe), . Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, . Dansk navn :Hanespore-hvidtjørn Synonymer : Danske synonymer .