Mahonia aquifolium

Stedsegrønne, blanke og tornede blade. Artsnavnet aquifolium betyder nålebladet, med stikkende blade. Løv: Tornede, matgrønne til glinsende grønne blade.

Holly-leaved barberry, Holly-leaf Oregon-grape. Berberidaceae (Barberry Family). Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt.

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It is in leaf 12-Jan It is in flower from Jan to . Use this to keep your garden colorful . Flower scent is like lemons mixed with honey and spice. Fragrant yellow blooms early spring . Plants are available to the US only. With holly-like leaves, blue fruits, and striking yellow flowers, Oregon holly has much to offer in the landscape. Hardy in USDA zones 5-1 it is at home along the Pacific coast from BC . Its exact identity is uncertain but most . Leaves: Evergreen, holly-like, .

Find out which ones are best for wildlife. Gule blomster, blankt sundt løv med tornede bla bred opret vækst, stedsegrøn vækst. Pronunciation: ma-HO-ni-a a-kwi-FO-lee-um. This, the state flower of Oregon, . Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers.

Native to Western North America this prickly suckering evergreen shrub features upright stems 3-tall and 5-wide with spined glossy leave with new growth . Description: Hollyleaved Barberry is an evergreen shrub with spiny, holly-like leaves. Small, bell-shaped yellow flowers bloom in spring, followed by edible . This plant grows best with full sun for most of the day This plant requires or will tolerate shade during the heat of the day This plant may not .